Welcome to SiAlpha Quantum Leap Investing system (‘SiAlpha’) helping you evaluate and identify asymmetric (low risk-to-reward) investment opportunities in private and publicly listed companies.
We remove the speculation and guesswork from investing with a proven scientific process to identify market opportunities, manage risk, and structure investment portfolios to consistently outperform the market.
SiAlpha™ was born out of our founders’ vision to help individual investors almost “never lose money” and earn above-market returns under all market conditions. His research into the best money managers introduced him to the relatively unknown mathematician named James Simons and the world of quantitative investing.
Simons used his “black box” quantitative models to launch an extraordinarily successful hedge fund firm few have heard of: Renaissance Technologies LLC The performance of his flagship fund since launch in 1989 has been nothing but extraordinary with an average annualized return of 35% (net of fees) and over a twenty-year period with no negative period returns in any calendar year!